Autumn is approaching and most of the schools have reopened. It’s time for it… the annual “autumn flu season”. It is already beginning to be seen and heard around us. It is very common that it “takes us” sooner or later and you have to stay in bed for a few days or in the worst case for weeks. But there are things we can do to boost our body and immune system around these periods. This year the autumn season is not like any other when it comes to the corona pandemic that is ongoing at the same time right now. It is now more important than ever to focus on your health, your immune system and well-being.
I have always liked smoothies and wonderful vitamin bombs made from real ingredients (not processed). But sometimes you just don’t take the time to buy all the ingredients that are needed and fix these wonderful, anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting drinks and dishes that can so often work wonders in our bodies. Let’s make a deal you and I? Together we fix this drink and take a shot every day for the coming weeks. Let’s help our bodies with the defense against the autumn and winter flu!
Ginger and turmeric shot

With a few ingredients (most of which you probably already have at home) and water, you will be able to make this antioxidant and vitamin bomb. This is what you need:
- 1 whole grape (blood grape or regular grape)
- 2 Lemons
- 40-60g turmeric (start with the weaker dosage if you do not want it that strong)
- 4 tablespoons of honey
- 3 teaspoons of cinnamon
- 100g grated ginger
- 7-8dl water
- 1 spice measure of finely ground black pepper (increases the uptake of turmeric)
How to do it:
Grate the ginger with the peel on and heat it up with the 7-8dl water. Make sure that the water does not start to boil as the cooking process removes many nutrients from the ginger. Let simmer for about 10 minutes. Set the saucepan aside and mix in the turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper and honey. Squeeze the whole grape and the two lemons into a bottle or other container. Feel free to add the pulp if you want. When the contents of the saucepan have cooled, pour it over into the bottle with the grapefruit and the lemons. Done! So easy! Store it in the refrigerator.
How often and how much should you drink?
Take a shot, 4-6 cl, every morning when you wake up. Shake the bottle before pouring.
Why is this shot healthy and so good for you?
Ginger. Ginger has long been known as an immune-boosting tropical herb. It also has a lot of other positive health effects in your body. Among other things, it has cholesterol-lowering effects, is fantastic for digestion, minimizes gas formation and increases metabolism. It relieves migraines and has been claimed to be very effective for relieving menstrual cramps in women.
Turmeric. Is also, like ginger, cholesterol lowering and good for blood circulation and for your heart. Highly anti-inflammatory and is said to prevent both depression and Alzheimer’s. Increases insulin sensitivity which can prevent and counteract diabetes. According to studies, it also has positive effects on the prostate for men and in the prevention of prostate cancer. Turmeric cleanses the body of toxins and increases the function of the liver and boosts the liver to function optimally.
Honey. Not only is it sweet and will give this wonderful mixture a sweetness, it inhibits the growth of bacteria and is expectorant. It is also loaded with antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory.
Cinnamon. Improves insulin sensitivity and is anti-inflammatory. Is good for the heart and reduces the risk of heart problems.
Lemon and grape. Has lowering effects on LDL-cholesterol. Contains copious amounts of vitamins A and C. Boosts your immune system and lowers high blood pressure.
Black pepper. Most of the turmeric shots out there lack this ingredient. However, it is important to use it for increasing the uptake of turmeric’s active substance, curcumin. Otherwise it will be difficult for the body to absorb it. Combine it with the black pepper’s piperine and you increase the uptake considerably. According to a study, uptake increases by up to 2000 percent when piperine and curcumin are combined. Awesome! Other positive effects are increased nutrient uptake, keeps the stomach in balance when it reduces the amount of stomach acid and is also anti-inflammatory.

I guess you do not need to be convinced much further if you read the health benefits of each ingredient that I mentioned above. Imagine the combination of all in one bottle. Fantastic! Run to the store and buy everything from ginger to turmeric. Go and prepare the health bomb now!
Did you follow the recipe and make a batch? What did you think of it? I would be happy to hear your thoughts. Maybe you have your own suggestions for ”health bombs” in the form of various drinks or the like? Get in touch with me in the form below or directly via the chat on the page. Looking forward to hearing from you!